At Lifestyle Consulting Services of Santa Barbara Ca. our meditation program is the art of Awareness. It allows you to be in a conscious state of heightened knowing never disempowering you. Easily, allowing you to draw to you what you desire and release what you don’t.

Allowing is the art of energy. Energy is and always has been serving you. At Lifestyle Consulting Service our meditations were created to bring that awareness to you.

Our meditation programs will easily fit into your lifestyle. They are designed to release tension and anxiety not create another thing to do to add to it. Lifestyle Consulting Service’s meditation programs are designed specifically to improve your personal relationship with energy.

At Lifestyle Consulting Service our meditation programs will nurture and guide you. The key to a great meditation is the creation of the safe space for the individual or group. Our meditations will gently guide you to a deep sense of allowing.

The purpose of Lifestyle Consulting Service’s meditations are to allow oneself to embody energy on a deeper physical, mental and emotional level. You will feel deeper into energy than you ever have and especially come to know your energy with clarity.

Meditation is truly a gratifying gift we can give ourselves. Yet, we often ignore the benefits of what is, and can be, a life-altering habit, rather than embracing this natural healing art.
Lifestyle Consulting Service offers guided meditations utilizing several techniques demonstrated to help one completely relax from the stress of the every day.

At Lifestyle Consulting Service we teach you how to find your unique breath and creatively visualize. Our meditation techniques gracefully release mind chatter, allowing the external “noise” to soften and dissipate. This allows your body to unwind into an inner place of peace. For each person, the journey to that space is different and dependent upon their life situations and experiences.


With our meditation program you will be given the opportunity to privately heal an issue. Whether it’s a physical aliment or stress-related problem. An emotional matter, or anything of concern in your life, it will be addressed during the session. HOW? By targeting where it’s being stored in your physical body and learning with guidance how to gracefully allow and release it.

This release will subsequently help you begin to heal your issues, all while immersed in those deep alpha and theta states. You will be amazed at the effectiveness of Lifestyle Consulting Services' meditation programs and techniques. Imagine what one simple meditation can do for you as a step toward empowering yourself to allow. When you are in allowing you release your abundance.

Listen to Meditation samples by Prisco:

Healing occurs on various levels, so Lifestyle Consulting Services meditation programs, classes and techniques are multi-dimensional. It’s not one-time processing, but takes practice and patience. Peace and calm will envelope you and positive changes will begin to occur. All you have to do is be open and allow.

If you never experienced a mediation session, or if you meditate daily, Lifestyle Consulting Services meditation programs are intuitively tailored to each individual or group needs and anticipations.

Listen to Meditation samples by Prisco:

You will learn how to use the relaxation techniques on your own. We facilitate your abilities to help you heal yourself through education and empowerment. Thus bringing your Flow back to you with Balance, Poise and Power.

• Private and group sessions available.
• Corporate accounts welcome.
• Parents, we encourage you to invite your children.

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