Alternative Healing Methods

Prisco Panza 2019 alt website

Prisco Panza is a Yogi, spiritual teacher, highly-attuned empathic Way Shower, Physical Intuitive and Healing Facilitator. He assists individuals and groups to embody their Soul and cultivate deep peace and live the life they were called to live. He does this through a variety and blend of healing modalities using passive and active action mindfulness, some of which are spoken of in his book, A Conversation Between a Boy and His Dad - Simple Truths Hidden in Plain Sight.

Prisco intuitively uses his God-given talents, abilities and gifts with individuals, as he is guided for each Soul. Many spiritual seekers have experienced physical and emotional healings, and have awakened to their true nature and divine relationship with their Soul and divine purpose. 

Prisco’s awakening began as an infant and small child with Avatar Jesus and later through his direct experiences with Mother Mary, Ascended Masters St. Germain and Archangels, most specifically Gabriel, throughout his life.

Using his intuitive abilities of seeing, hearing, feeling, and direct knowing, Prisco feels the emotions of others and is able to pinpoint what blocks any heart from opening. As a result, he brings forth extraordinary teachings through both the written and spoken word that assist individuals in healing the body, awakening the soul, and transforming their reality through the power of love, compassion, humility and wisdom.

If you are looking for assistance in knowing yourself and cultivating a relationship with your Soul, you are in the right place. As a way shower, this is his life purpose - to teach others to do this for themselves by gently and gracefully guiding those earnest Seekers. 

The rest of the information on his site is a compilation of his other talents, abilities and gifts that he intuitively uses in unique combinations with individuals as he is guided to accomplish body and Soul Union.

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