Coaching for Life

A new kind of life coaching and health coaching

At Lifestyle Consulting Service in Santa Barbara CA. our life coaching and health coaching programs are an easy fit into your busy life. The foundation of our life coaching and health coaching is Response - Ability. Your reaction to life.

Very often a life-changing experience is exactly what it sounds like - making a change in your life. For better or worse, stress and the discomfort of it is what usually brings about change. And more often than not there is a resistance to change for individuals. This causes them to REACT. How one “re - acts” to change is significant. This reactive energy is dependent upon many reasons which vary by individual. At Lifestyle Consulting Service our life coaching and health coaching programs reduce the reactivity, stress and anxiety.

We have witnessed that individuals fluctuate between two worlds. The one they live in and the one they want to live in. And this is fine, but between the two worlds is usually a whole lot of _ _ _ _, AKA... Resistance.

At Lifestyle Consulting Services, we teach and encourage an individual the difference between “Inspired Action” vs. “A cause and effect Reaction”. In this is the understanding that “Distraction” can also be detrimental to a better course of “Action”.

Distraction and procrastination are often the end result of fear and confusion. At Lifestyle Consulting Service our life coaching and health coaching programs help you form a new Response - Ability . We utilize inspired action that stems from Balance, Poise and Power. This is born of being at one with all as best one can, coming from a place of love. Lifestyle Consulting Services specializes in assisting you with re-evaluating your life from a place of balance and wholeness. This helps you find your passion and, make better choices to help you succeed.

If you own a fast-paced cutting edge business or are managing a balance between life, family, school, the children, aging parents (or all of the above), everyone would do well and would be smart to invest in a coach that matches their needs. At Lifestyle Consulting Services of Santa Barbara, our life coaching and health coaching programs combine 26 years of experience. We inspire Active Mindfulness and Intuitive healing work to guide all aspects of you. This allows your whole Being to be addressed having a beneficial effect on all of your relationships, including the one with yourself.

The relationship with yourself is the most important relationship you will ever have. This is where Lifestyle Consulting Services truly excels in its results-based approach to helping those individuals who are not afraid to ask the question, “How can I be better so I can improve my quality of life? How can I make more productive and positive decisions and take Inspired Actions?” Our health and life coaching programs will guide you gently in the relationship with yourself to a new Response - Ability.


Simply put: they desire to be “more” the best version of themselves. They recognize there is always an opportunity to be better. In utilizing our life coaching and health coaching programs individuals will not plateau. They consistently seek growth and change. This growth and change brings about betterment of self and more opportunities. And with this training there is less stress and anxiety. This is the secret to the success of many athletes, entrepreneurs, businessmen and women, and individuals who utilize coaches.

To some, this means improving a sport or game or having more money; for others, it means more family time. And with others, it could mean achieving a new career level, starting a business, finding a way to be satisfied at work. Or simply the ability to handle tough family matters and balance one or more of the above. These circumstances and goals affect your work and the overall quality of your life. Learning to deal with them is crucial and is where Lifestyle Consulting Service and our life and health coaching programs are key.


Life Coaching has lost the stigma it had decades ago, when “under-performers” sought the advice of a counselor. Now, it is viewed as a protocol for top performers who desire the benefit of consistent, constructive and honest feedback. People who succeeded under a coach’s tutelage recognize the daily issues that can hold them back. They desire to move forward in handling their situations quickly and efficiently.

At Lifestyle Consulting Services, our life coaching and health coaching programs are about learning a new Response - Ability. This type of learning is an easy technique to use in your day to day life. You will learn how to be clear in your life, your goals and learn how to remove any resistance.

We develop empowered leaders, allowing them to observe things about their own behavior, thought patterns and mindset. Then, provide the ability to make effective, lasting changes to positively influence their lives and the lives of others.


The greatest fear individuals have when looking into the coaching process is that coaching will “strip” him or her of the personality traits or power that had made them successful. Success however, is a subjective word. At Lifestyle Consulting Services, we will and strengthen you in the areas you are struggling and inspire you more in the areas you are strong.

Our life coaching and health coaching programs encompass the quality and drive to create a happy successful work and business career and happy family life. Fears however, if you begin to hold fear inside, stagnate, make poor decisions, (or no decisions) you only hold yourself back. In remaining stagnant, you are holding back your potential. And by not taking the proper “ Inspired Actions” for success and well-being who gets hurt? We also bring to light most individuals say it’s because you can’t. We will show you that most of the time it’s because you won’t, NOT because you can’t.

The real questions are:

1. Is it you Can’t or You Won’t?

2. What is it costing you to not have an empowering, inspiring and motivating coach in your life?

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