Millennial Coaching and Intuitive Guidance

At lifestyle Consulting Service in Santa Barbara Ca, our Millennial Coaching program is Cutting Edge. We understand the intuitive and energetic connection to Millennials. The foundation to our program is opening communication through emotional intelligence. Our Millennial coaching program brings balance to Millennials and their families.

We are living through a period of unprecedented technological change. This is going to have an impact on people being born in the midst of it. At Lifestyle Consulting Service our millennial coaching program is designed to help you keep up with that change. To say the very least we will need shifts in parenting, relationships and employers. We are here to help with that. That is the only way we will be able to keep up with the millennial generation that is changing the landscape of our world.

The word Soulpreneur describes many Millennials. They desire to go to work in a job that has meaning, purpose and inspires them. At the end of the day it is about fulfillment. Not only of themselves but a larger purpose of serving all mankind. And our millennial coaching programs integrate seamlessly in to any environment.

Millennials have a strong intuitive and energetic connection to their fellow man. However, this is being debated because of their so called social ineptness. In my eyes they are not socially inept just raised in an age where communication is uniquely different than it ever was.

This communication gap is where Lifestyle Consulting Service excels. In our Millennial coaching programs, we help millennials and the individuals, companies and corporations that have the day to day relationships with them.

Let’s start at the beginning. In younger years they were first labeled as Indigo, Star, or Crystalline children. Some were thought to have special abilities or powers of perception if you will. However, many appear socially different in regard to how they position themselves in and view society. Millennials may be more intuitive, energetically sensitive, compassionate, empathetic, and may create differently than earlier generations.

Why is the Millennial Generation So Important?

The millennial generation born approximately 1977 to 1995 receive a lot of criticism rendering some seriously unwarranted bad press. Many claims state they are tough to manage, impatient, disinterested, entitled, lazy, etc.

Generally speaking, there is more attention and focus on millennials than other generations, partly due from the impact of the media in today’s day and age. With advances in technology, specifically in social media communication, coupled with the impact of millennials on the corporate world, eyes are on them.

It seems as though millennials mystified corporate America, as they couldn't figure out how to handle/motivate them in their old school paradigms. Corporate America asked, “What it is that millennials desire?” Millennials replied, “To work in an environment with a real purpose and make an impact.” To this I am elated that a generation has been born that gives a damn and is willing to break old habits.

In recent work with millennial individuals, millennials in the work place, and corporations, many express confusion when it comes to this generation. Corporate leaders wonder why it’s important for millennials to find purpose and make an impact with their work. Many of whom wish they would just do their jobs and listen to those in higher positions of authority. Many even wonder why salary alone doesn’t satisfy millennials. Research indicates there are many factors that lead to job satisfaction, engagement, and retention. Further, it is the combination of these factors that drive workplace satisfaction, engagement, and retention. Specific factors include, work life balance, constructive feedback, positive work environment and culture, etc.

Despite the overwhelming amount of research, leaders simply want millennials to do their jobs and listen to what they are told. Thus, we have a rift between millennial workers and workplace leaders.

In order to understand the millennial generation better, let’s dive deeper into possible explanations for their differences.

The first explanation comes from parenting and early education; generationally how they were raised due to societal influence from one generation to the next.

Second is the influence of technology.

The third explanation derives from their environment, specifically their social and working environment.


pdfLearn more by continuing to read my E-Book "The Millennial Generation". 

  • Parenting and Early Education
  • The Science Behind it
  • Technology
  • The Environment Where they Work and Live


A letter of testimonial

Hello, Suzanne,

I saw your video requesting the names of people you might want to be in touch with, and immediately thought of my friend Prisco Panza. I met him at Unity of Santa Barbara, where we both attend services and volunteer for the church. I haven’t ever heard him speak formally, but he is certainly a compelling speaker on the personal level.

Prisco is a Lifestyle Consultant, and offers services that include building physical strength, body work, weight loss, stress management, mental discipline, and more — but to me, he’s been a spiritual guide while helping me with some practical problems related to my history of severe childhood sexual abuse. More than anything else, he’s taught me to be aware of the power of my words, both to shift energy where I feel stuck and to guard against making casual comments that bring negativity into my life. He is a serious student of the metaphysical; what he has shown me is that everything in life has spiritual meaning and spiritual power — all connected and always present. And, yes, I “know” that and believe that — this is what Unity teaches — and yet I somehow “forget” so easily, or don’t always understand how to apply these teachings. Every time I talk with Prisco, whether it’s volunteering at church or walking on the beach or just an informal chat, I come away changed and empowered. He says the most unexpected things sometimes, totally contrary to my usual way of thinking. For example, he told me I should be grateful to my father for “being willing to play the bad guy” in my life, because of the growth that has come from these traumatic experiences. Hmmm … hadn’t thought of that one before! But of course he’s right — taking a much more vast perspective on it than I’d ever considered.

So I do suggest being in touch with him. Prisco has been a consistent source of enlightened guidance for me, as well as a wonderful friend. I will cc him on this so that you will have his email address, and he will know that I’ve given you his name. Wishing you the best on your project!

Carol Barringer

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