
Master of Your Life

Wanted to let you know just how proud I am of you.  You are truly on your way to being a Master of your Life.  You walk the walk and talk the talk.  I love that you listen to your own guidance and always strive to be unique and not follow in the footsteps of another.  You throw out convention and listen to your instincts and have created a model of healing and strength that has your personal signature upon it. I am also so happy you found a place to live that honors your being.  You deserve to live in a beautiful and comfortable home.  May this next chapter in your life open the doors to your dreams.   

This move to CA feels like you are moving into yourself and the world is "your oyster."   I am happy you found a home were you can create, love and be at peace.  You are the best and such a blessing in my life.  


Stepped Beyond Fears

Prisco made me feel good! Had a really good day today, getting stuff done, great deep conversations, making money, all while enjoying time off from work...thank you again so much for your support and facilitation yesterday. I truly feel that you helped me uplevel my life and definitely step beyond some fears and into greater power, a very tangible feeling.
You are a wonderful being, I'm very happy to have met you.


Today I own a private strength and conditioning facility in Chicago, IL

Prisco Panza played a major part in my physical and mental preparation during my high school and collegiate athletic career. I was a three sport athlete during high school, football, wrestling and lacrosse, and I went on to play division 3 football in college. I was very fortunate to meet Prisco at a young age and started training with him during my freshman year of high school. The well rounded training program that Prisco designed for me played a pivotal role in my physical preparation during my high school athletic tenure. I was never the most talented athlete but I was able to reach All Conference and All County honors because I always tried to train hard and even more importantly, train smart. It was Prisco, and his training program that gave me the direction and structure from an individual specific standpoint tha gave me the tools and ability to compete at the collegiate level. After High school. I continued to train with Prisco to prepare for my collegiate caree. One of the biggest attributors to my physical preparation was Prisco's incorporation of energy system specific conditioning with his elite athletic training program, the use of sled training. It was the use of sled training that conditioned me properly  and I know was a major determining factor for my success as a collegiate athlete. Prisco's knowledge of sport specific program design ios very extensive and he does an amazing job of tailoring programs for the individual. Through all my collegiate career I did not have any training that was as intense or effective as Prisco's. 


Today I own a private strength and conditioning facility in Chicago, IL and speaking form a professional standpoint I can honestly say that it was the guidance and direction that Prisco provided that gave me the ability to become a successful strength and conditioning coach.


Bobby DeThomasis CSCS, ATC, ART, PICP Level 5 Master Strength Coach

Bobby DeThomasis

He taught us a lot!

My son and I had a great time training with Prisco. He taught us a lot.

Michael M.

I recommend Prisco!

Prisco was my personal trainer for over a year. He knows his stuff!  He is motivating and encouraging, and helped me with my physical training, as well as my nutritional needs.  He is totally devoted to helping his clients achieve their goals, and his pleasant personality makes the hard work a little easier!  I recommend him without reservation.

Karen J.

Sincerely grateful!

Prisco has been many things to me in the 14 years I have known him - a mentor, spiritual guide, personal trainer, and energy healer. Since our first encounter, he has always demonstrated dedication to his clients, enthusiasm, superior knowledge, and a wonderful personality filled with positivity and tremendous encouragement.  He offers his clients 120%, and he supports them on their journey toward healing.  I am sincerely grateful for the help that Prisco has provided to me over the years.

Tara B.

I look better and feel better!

I am a 68-year old obese woman with arthritic knees and some shoulder issues.  I "connected" with Prisco the first time we worked together.  He is very encouraging and empowering. He has the ability to push me past the boundaries of what I think I'm capable of accomplishing.  I have lost about 20 lbs. by following Prisco's suggestions and doing a daily food diary that I send to him.  Our work-outs include stretching and specific exercises that target my troubled body parts. Prisco encourages me to do these exercises on my own so I take responsibility for my own improvement.  Prisco has a positive attitude that is contagious and affects every aspect of our working relationship.  I look better, feel better and look forward to continuing this journey.

Donna K.

Positive role model for all ages!

I enjoyed meeting Prisco and I was delighted to meet a Trainer with such great knowledge of the physical abilities of the human body.  His understanding of how the body and muscles function along with how we preform our daily tasks or professions…A great Positive Role Model for All Ages

Margie H.


Prisco has been helping me rehab a shoulder injury. In a very short 4-week period, I have seen great improvement due to his knowledge and training.  He does a great job in communicating what and why something needs to be done in the training process. I would strongly recommend working with Prisco for “rehabbing” a problem area or dealing with flexibility issues

Greag S.

7 Critical Stretches

Prisco has been a tremendous help to me with my lower back problems. I told him of my back injury created from cycling 100 miles per week for a year or so. He diagnosed an imbalance of my extremely tight hamstrings and my weak core.

From there he showed me about 7 critical stretches and strengthening exercises, to stretch my hamstrings and to strengthen my core. This routine has been extremely helpful in eliminating my lower back issues. I feel that Prisco is extremely knowledgeable in his profession, and I am 100% satisfied with his assistance.

David O.

Playing golf again!

I am 28 and I work in the marketing and PR industry. I went to Prisco after recovering from some back spasms and tightness when I wanted to begin swinging golf clubs again. Beyond getting me back onto the course quicker than I anticipated, his regiment has helped my back grow stronger and when I have any issues he's always available via phone or text. Going above and beyond, he also helped me with my golf swing, which has made a difference for my game as a slowly get back into playing.

Nick M.

2 Thumbs way up … 5 stars all the way!!

I am a 59-year old female and my occupation is QA Engineer. Over the past year and a half, I have lost weight and started working out regularly and increasing my activity levels. I originally started seeing Prisco to help me with persistent pain in my glute after working out that I had been experiencing for several months. The issue is actually in my piriformis … and after a few sessions the problems resolved to the point where it is not an issue that keeps me from pursuing my various activities … training, running, biking, swimming or sleeping. He has shown me various stretches that I work through almost every day to help me with my flexibility and keep the piriformis issues at bay.

I have also in the past year started running which I have never really gotten into before now. I had a pretty aggressive (for me) schedule in the past month and started having issues with my left foot. In a week, Prisco was able to calm it down to the point that it is not giving me any issues. He also gave me some exercises to help build up the foot/ankle complex to hopefully keep this from happening going forward.

Prisco is a consummate professional who really understands the working of the human body and how everything interacts. His goal is not just to help his clients overcome a specific physical issue, but to help give them the tools to succeed on their own. Prisco is a great communicator and makes himself available via phone/text/email if any issues arise. I am completely satisfied as a client and give him 2 Thumbs way up … 5 stars all the way!!

Nancy F.

I actually lost weight!

Without Prisco's help, I don't think I could have lost so much weight on my own. He made it seem so easy!

Lisa Wells

Excellent Coach!

Prisco knows what he's doing. I haven't felt this alive in years!

Surfside Beach

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